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27 April 2020

Dragon Quest

by kyo

Dragon Quest (1986)

Clear Proof Version: GBC

Dragon Quest (also known as Dragon Warrior) is one of the most important RPG games as it set most of the JRPG ideas in motion. That being said, it’s mostly overshadowed by Final Fantasy, at least the first few entries in the series are.

It’s as generic as they come regarding fantasy games now, but at the tiem it was a game changer, sadly it doesnt really hold up today, the soundtrack and graphics is fine but the combat is boring and extremely simple, mostly just hit and heal strats. The plot isnt much either, its as dry as you’d expect from early RPGs on the NES. Thankfully its also really short so eh.

tags: dragon-quest - square-enix - jrpg - rpg - nes - fantasy - adventure